MODULE 3 - Lesson 8
Recapping and How To Progress Forward

Recapping and How To Progress Forward
8a - Let us Recap Now
Let us recap now

This short course has been setting your foundation to becoming a guitarist

Before moving on it is very important to make sure you are totally comfortable with what you have learned here

Practice and revise everything so that you are able to successfully continue on

In this short course we covered some very important basics, understanding about finger mechanics, fundamental basic chords and chord changes, the G Major Scale, tuning the guitar, understanding some basic practical theory, starting to finger pick, understanding tablature,  playing the House of the Rising Sun by following the videos and also by reading and understanding how tablature works

Remember, to be able to play any tune or song whether you are strumming or finger picking your chord changes must be good, so practice changes between all the chords learned here in every possible order

Experiment for yourself with chord changes while finger picking the different patterns you have learned so far, you need to be able to change without missing a beat

Also you should play the G Major Scale every day preferably at least three times ascending and descending as this will enable your soloing abilities later on and trains you finger mechanics.  The speed is not important at the moment, but make sure you do use the correct fingering for the scale

If your foundation is strong then it will support whatever you build on top of it for when you are ready to continue with your training

VIDEO 2a -

Memorise the six strings on the Guitar

Every Australian Day Gets Bright Eventually
8b - Progressing and Continuing your Training
So where to from here? 
First, if you have not already study the Very Easy Practical Theory Module
Quite simply continue on with the Finger Picking Guitar Tablature Book 1, Finger Picking Training Exercises Workbook for students and teachers as shown below and for those who want to continue developing finger picking, also use Book 2 Finger Picking Tunes shown below
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