Welcome to the Mets Music Guitar 2000 System.  Learn at your own pace with this easy to follow step by step guitar course.
With this course we start with the chord hand then move to the picking hand then we combine both hands
We do a lot of finger picking in this course, simply because if both hands are trained to do complex movement and not just beating out a couple of rhythms, then this enables a guitarist to go further with their playing as they are now armed with the skills for playing in any number of styles and enabling their true creativity
We do a lot of finger picking in this course, simply because if both hands are trained to do complex movement and not just beating out a couple of rhythms then this enables a guitarist to go further
with their playing as they are now armed with the skills for playing in any number of styles and enabling their true creativity
Practise all the exercises shown and try to master them,  in many cases try and create your own exercises out of what you have learned Experiment for your self, try out new ideas

Always practise your chord changes from any new chord you learn to chords you already know, mix them up, try them in different orders. The idea here is that to be able to play any tune or song your chord changes must be smooth and in time

*Follow all Links shown, they will lead to other app’s, modules, books or videos etc… with extra information
With the Mets Music Guitar 2000 System you now have the opportunity to really learn how to start playing guitar properly in your own time and at home.  With this program there are several things to be aware of

Number One.  The Ear is the Boss
learn to trust your ear, this will happen as you practise

Number Two.  Finger Mechanics, that is the correct finger movement which will be achieved by doing the exercises in this course

Number Three.  Practical Theory.  
if you do not already have the Practical Theory Module, you can find and study the Free Practical Theory Module  

This free Module Easy Practical Theory can act as a primer for this whole course and covers a good deal of basic practical theory in a simple and very easy to understand format

Number Four.  The art of Do Ing.  Just by doing all the exercises and lessons here, you have to achieve, it is that simple
Important.  If you want to succeed, do not skip anything, and practice, practice, practice all the time

It is suggested that you learn one section at a time then have a break. For example do section 1a 1b 1c then have a break then revise later

When you are confident with sections 1 then move on to sections 2a 2b 2c etc. have a break, revise sections 2 then again when confident with your understanding and progress move on to the next sections