MODULE 3 - Lesson 2 Notes that have Two Names
(Known as Enharmonic Equivalents)
A bit about Practical Theory, Playing and Tablature
2 - Notes that have two names
It is a good time now to touch on the basic idea of
Enharmonic Equivalents

All the
black notes on a keyboard are called Enharmonic Equivalents,
meaning they have 2 names but only 1 sound

(The black notes are also found on a guitar,
but obviously not as visible as on a keyboard)

Think of it like this:
View the keyboard diagram below & you see the note in-between the notes of  
F & G is F#/Gb (F sharp / G flat)

So F sharp (F#) is a little higher in  pitch (sound) than F,
& is a little flatter or lower in  pitch than G so it is flat of G,
therefore called G flat (Gb)

The G Major Scale has an
F# Note ( Gb ) (F# = F sharp, Gb = G flat)

Observe how the white notes of B & C & E & F  are side by side of each other.
(There is no B# or Cb, and no E# or Fb)

Notice that the note of F would be left of the note of F# in our G Major Scale on the guitar.

The Blue numbers shown in the diagram below,
show the notes of the G Major scale on  the keyboard
and also along the 6th Bass string of the guitar.

Diagram shows
The Notes of the
G Major Scale on a Keyboard

VIDEO 2a -

Memorise the six strings on the Guitar

Every Australian Day Gets Bright Eventually