MODULE 1 - Lesson 6 Revise all you have done
Now Revise all you have done
6 - Read and Revise Everything
Continually practice and reinforce all of this first section so that you are truly comfortable with your chords, your chord changes and most important the G Major Scale

The major scale for beginners may take a while to master, continue practising the major scale every day, play it at least three times each day as a warm up exercise, you do not need to play this fast just get the fingers to slowly memorize the correct fingering

VIDEO 2a -

Memorise the six strings on the Guitar

Every Australian Day Gets Bright Eventually
Playing the major scale gives the fingers of your chord hand a very good work out and will eventually develop your speed naturally and also helps to train the ear  

The scale will enable your ability for solo improvisation later.
So in the first part of this book we have been working on basics such as tuning, the chord hand etc.., in the second part of this book we start to work on the finger picking hand.  Once you are happy with your progress you can move on to the 2nd part, remember there is no need to rush, take your time and build your foundation correctly

The METS Guitar 2021 program has been designed in a module format that makes learning very easy as you do not become overwhelmed by too much information at any one time, this enables a greater chance of success

This system works as has been proved time and time again.  When you feel you are ready, move on to the next section